Bâtir une société de l'engagement en Europe

Pour une société de l'engagement en Europe
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Cet édito a été publié initialement  en Mai 2021 dans la newsletter mensuelle de l'Association des Civic Tech Europe (ACTE) dont Citipo est un membre actif. ACTE regroupe les professionnels du secteur des civictechs qui développent des outils et méthodes innovantes pour favoriser l'engagement citoyen et renforcer le lien avec les pouvoirs publics. Retrouvez le travail de l'association sur www.acte-europe.org

Building a society of engagement across Europe

On May 9th, on the occasion of “Europe Day”, the Conference on the Future of Europe was officially launched. During one year, Europeans all across the continent will be able to share their ideas and engage in local debates to shape the Europe they want (see the platform). 

The openness of the format (both local and digital - the digital platform gathering all contributions has been launched last April 19th) is good news to foster an alive European democracy, made of citizens who do have a seat at the table. 

We - Citipo, and all members of ACTE, the Association of Civic Tech in Europe - indeed see digital tools as an opportunity for people to engage. Launching or signing an online petition, organizing a civic movement in your region or wider, sharing your mind through consultations: these are few examples of the core of Civic Tech’s mission since the mid-2010s, which is about bringing citizens the tools they need to make a change. 

Today, institutional consultations have largely gained importance and appreciation, as reflected in the Conference on the Future of Europe. Sharing views and contributions, debating with one another in a respectful manner, are indeed key to reconnecting citizens with politics, in the finest sense of the word. 

Now this will not be enough if it is only initiated from the top. Robert Schuman already taught us that :

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan, but rather be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”. 

Beyond consultations, an alive democracy fuelled by a common sense of belonging both requires and is reflected by engaged citizens. By committing to a cause, every citizen can take an active part in change while supporting the rise of European society. 

When it comes to the how, civic engagement can start with a few: Civic Tech provides citizens with the right tools and methods to organize their community locally, launch their movement, or create their association. 

This Conference on the Future of Europe, along with the determining political period of time the continent is living, is a unique opportunity to empower citizens from the bottom all across Europe. Let’s make it.

Adrien Duguet, CEO and Co-founder of Citipo, Member of the Association Civic Tech Europe

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